Cronin Peak – 13,870 ft.
I had a great solo day up on Mount Cronin yesterday, skinning and skiing the Sawatch summit in 4:10 roundtrip. There was a little bit of wind but the snow was great and the exit back to the trailhead was fast.
I had a great solo day up on Mount Cronin yesterday, skinning and skiing the Sawatch summit in 4:10 roundtrip. There was a little bit of wind but the snow was great and the exit back to the trailhead was fast.
Holy Cross Ridge. It may not be the most creative name for one of Colorado’s Centennials, but as a ski objective the mountain is definitely inspiring.
We’re pretty sure everyone has gotten over hearing about skiing at this point, but the snow just continued to hang on in the Sawatch Range so I was able to check off a few more peaks this past weekend.
After skiing Ice Mountain and North Apostle, we decided to keep our RV camp on Clear Creek Road near Buena Vista for another night. We were parked right at the trailhead for Emerald Peak, 13,904 ft., another Colorado Centennial on our list, so we didn’t have much reason not to hit that next.
Even though we like to poke fun at Roach’s descriptions of the routes on Colorado’s high thirteeners, we did approach the Refrigerator Couloir on Ice Mountain, 13,951 ft, with care.
In the forefront of our thoughts this day were the victims of the tornado that struck Oklahoma earlier this week. Tragedies such as this serve as a reminder of how precious life is, and how it is too often cut short by unexpected events. Our thoughts and prayers go out for the victims of the tornado.
After Jones Mountain we headed home, wrapping up a fun week down in the San Juans. The break was short though, and after only a single day at home, we loaded up the Spyder RV and headed out again. Our goal– the mountains of the Sawatch Range near Leadville.
After coming back to Aspen to spend the day with our favorite moms and moms-to-be after Mount Meeker, we were up early and off to the Sawatch Range to ski Lackawanna Peak.
After our day on Clinton and a soak at the Mount Princeton Hot Springs, four of us made our way up the Clear Creek Road towards Mount Hope. The road was dry to the Sheep Creek trailhead, and we followed the popular trail (also used in the Leadville 100 run course) up towards the East Ridge of Mount Hope.